Monday, March 9, 2009

BB guns and propane tanks

I can tell you right now, my next door neighbors are going to be a wealth of blogging material. so far they have: left a heaping heap o' junk on the sidewalk (it's gone now), shot BBs at a (hopefully empty) propane tank in the backyard, smoked pot on the back porch while I was out looking for the little dog, and for whatever reason known only to rednecks, drove one of the obligatory crappy dying cars up to their kitchen window (which is right next to OUR kitchen window ) to revvvvvv vv vv vvvvvvv it up.
And to work on it. I guess that's so they can pass one another cold beers through the window to save footwork going up and down the steps.
I heard a snippet of conversation yesterday morning before I turned on the window fan: "They had no business pulling me over. I'd had FIVE beers! In FIVE hours!"
Later I heard "My dog is bilingual."
To which the same guy who got pulled for drinking five beers in five hours said "Your dog is WHAT? Bi-what? What the FUCK does bilingual mean?"
He got really agitated at that.
And the dog's owner said "It means he knows his commands in Spanish and English".
the other guy breathed a huge sigh of relief.
At work, there is a glass jar by the cash register. At first you think it is a tip jar. But I knew better since our boss would never allow that: so I went up and looked at it. On the jar is taped some notebook paper with a plea about how this woman needs a replacement glass eye, and she is on a fixed income and would people please put some money in the jar to help cover out of pocket expenses?
I gotta tell ya: that gave me PAUSE.
I blinked a few times after reading that. And then I went back to sweeping, wondering what it would be like if I swept up someone's glass eye into my dustpan.
I mean, did she LOSE it? If so, how? I'm pretty curious now. Do glass eyes get old? Did it fall out and roll down a sewer grate?
Just got back from seeing 'Watchmen'. SPOILER ALERT: BIG BLUE SCHLONG.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your neighbors are "cousins" of mine. :)