Sunday, March 22, 2009

My brother's blood

I went to my brother's today, for no reason, just to go. I thought he might need some help with something but he didn't. He said he had a leak in his water line but we didn't find anything. We puttered around his yard and watched some Nascar and got on his computer and I tried to scan a photo for him with no results...finally I decided I needed to get going and try to get my bed situation fixed, and I told him I was going to go do that.
He said what I had planned wouldn't work and that he would come help me next weekend...then I spotted a funny looking key on his workbench and he said it was a key to the Cavalier. He had to grind the head off the key to get it to work in the ignition: back in '95 or '97 or whatever year that car is, they didn't put those big plastic heads on the Cavalier keys. Also he said he had driven the car up and down the road a few times: that was pretty exciting. So it works. Works so well he says he is loathe to part with it. I was afraid of that. Cavaliers are good cars. Tight, responsive, sporty.
He was doing some more puttering and trying to do something in the trunk when the hood crashed down on his head and my arm. He got a good gash in his scalp and started bleeding all over the place: he had me look at it and it was pretty shallow but boy was it bleeding, so there was quite a bit of blood on my hands, and on the car, and on the ground... and on just about everything he leaned over for a while. But he just wanted to let the blood dry and deal with it later. I'm the same way.
So he's supposed to come fix my bed next weekend. If he doesn't , I'm going to throw my bed frame away. Put it on Craigslist. fuck it.
Plumber guy hasn't called, internet guy hasn't called and I don't really expect my brother to come fix my bed but of all the guys I've been hoping to get some help from he's the one I don't mind if he comes or not.
Roommate asked me if everything was going well with being roomies and I lied and said it was great. I hate the damn dog situation, and the neighbors, and I wish I could figure out her weird moods, but yeah, other than that, it's Nirvana.
Went to Walmart and bought a bunch of Chinese stuff. Got a fanny pack with two water bottles: and some bug spray. Now I have no excuse for not walking. The fanny pack has an IPOD pocket.
I got an Ipod sleeve and screen protector. So that's taken care of. I got some Glucosomine and some vitamins. I got some cheap shampoo and I got some very expensive Sensodyne toothpaste. Oh and I got a bag of kettle cooked bbq potato chips, a six pack of little cans of Dr. Thunder, and a two pound bag of cereal. Oh and some milk.
And some baloney. And I was in there for about two hours, just looking. I went in there to get thumbtacks and did not get any.
But now I'm ready for hiking. And I have breakfast.
Man I'm lonely. My roommate is starting to look good again. She was standing in my bedroom doorway talking to me in sweats and a tank top. I was sort of nervous about it. Talking fast. Saying stupid shit. How am I supposed to act when an attractive lesbian hangs half in my bedroom door with her tattoos showing ...*sigh*
So just kicking back and watching tv eating chips. Such a sad American.

1 comment:

Real Live Lesbian said...

A lesbian in a tank top in the doorway to your bedroom only means one thing. ;)