Friday, March 13, 2009

What a DAY!

I'm watching "Two and a Half Men" with one half of my mind on it. I do adore the therapist Charley has... she's so very hot.
Today at work was amazing. I was sort of not looking forward to going since the cook has been getting high at work lately and doing sloppy work, and yesterday he even backed into me crushing my hand between the bus tub I was holding and the wall, which really hurt.
I got to work and The cook seemed to be ok. But he told me what one of the waitresses had said about the other one AND what she said about the boss's wife. That biotch said that R. had slept with someone other than her fiance on the DAY HE PROPOSED, and also that the boss's wife was popping pills.
I told both of them what was said about them and R. quit. On the spot. Then the biotch quit too. Both walked out.
At first I was afraid I'd done a horrible thing but then the day just got better and better as we all pitched in and I even got half the tips from helping my boss clear tables: it felt like a good family run restaraunt with camaraderie where there had been little before.
I found out later that the cook, whom I had been palling around with and adored, had been selling pills to people at work. People I had thought were good honest friends at work turned out to be pill-pushers/takers... I'd had enough. I feel like we busted up the gossipy, pill-popping circle-jerk.
But then, my boss hired one of the other server's son, which is cool, and the cooks' sister.
Which may or may not be cool. She's HOT. And she's gay.
And she's 32.
I worry about that whole situation. But not to worry before there is something to worry about.
The water got shut off and I was boiling ice to wash dishes. When it came back on I got my floor flooded. We were pretty busy and my boss was training the new guy and *whew!* what a day.
R. called me later and said 'thank you' to me for telling her what that other server had said about her. R. said she had not been happy at work for some time anyway. I'm glad she's ok...
Sick of the drama and hope that without the pills going around, things might be a little better


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your posts. You need to be writing a movie from this stuff! :)

Zed said...

Thanks...maybe someday when my mind has settled and I have a nice quiet place to write, I may try to write a book then. Or a movie :)