Friday, April 10, 2009

Damn glad to be alive

Well...3 people died in the storms that passed over me at my place of work today. I don't know where the storm did it's killing but it didn't get me. I'm sure those 3 people didn't think they would die today.. it makes me think.
Today during the sirens and the thunder when I went outside at work to take out the trash I was thinking that I could die today, it could be me, and as I was opening the dumpster I thought that lightning could easily strike me and then I had to manipulate the metal pole we use to hold the door know? But I looked up in the sky and said "Oh, I'm ready, if it's my time, but I doubt it is."
It saddens me when people near me die from things like storms and car accidents because I fear those things too and I imagine they might have gone through some terrible pain.
Well we have no damage to report despite the nickle sized hail, the gale force winds, the driving rain and the relentless lightning that is all now a memory as the sun shines down upon my face as i sit on my porch feeling the sweet Alabama breeze that follows such storms.
Let's hear it for my wifi for working this afternoon and let's hear it for the storm passing right over me and not killing me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a damn scary storm up here too. I'm glad you are ok. I know what you mean about car accidents. We recently saw a fatal accident scene after it had JUST happened. It really made me stop and think about how much I really appreciate me life.