Friday, July 24, 2009

Mom's birthday

I happened to be reading an old text on my cell when my mom called me today at work: I'm so glad I caught the call: she was crying. She had just opened her gift box and found the BOSE WAVE II radio inside. She was 'blown away'.
Now that friends is a great gift given to me by my Higher Power and Sobriety through the program: able to coordinate with cousins in Australia and buy my mom a fancy schmancey radio she's been wanting for some time.
It cost a lot of money and it was totally so worth it I'm already trying to figure out what to get her next year.
I've decided to go with the spirit of the day and give myself a treat: I'm going to ask that gal to be my friend. Whatever she says, I need to do this.
I am not a coward, and I do not back away from a fight. What is the fight? The fight to meet decent people in this cultural desert and keep them in my life at all costs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How wonderful you were able to do that for your mother!

And from what I can tell, anyone you asked to be your friend should be happy to oblige. But I know the asking is the scariest part.