Friday, September 18, 2009


My friend Richard blasted me in an email yesterday, accusing me of 'texting, calling and talking about D.' the whole time I was with him. He said he thought I had come there to see HIM and that for him, it was boring. He went on to say he couldn't get caught up in my 'drama'... and I told him to dismiss me and let me go. And so he has. And so I have. On top of that; I do not like this turmoil in my gut surrounding D. and not knowing what she is thinking or feeling, unable to bare my soul to her about it because the timing is off or whatever. I have decided that I must take matters into my own hands and put mind over matter: squash this bug.
I go off to work today a bit jerkily, as I am trying to thrust off the mantle of oppression that has been layered on me. I don't need this right now, or ever.
when it is right, it's right, and I don't need to hover over some unclickable link.
GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I'm not going to let her live in my head rent free. Fuck that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate that feeling too - the invasion of loveish stuff.

Keep in mind that love is not something to give away, it is something to be earned. You deserve to feel as though someone has earned that place in your heart and mind.

take care