Monday, January 11, 2010

Opportunity Knocking?

Last week we had some snow here in No-AL. The temps were so cold that the ice remained on some roads and it still there days later: this prompted my college to close on its' first day, which was last Friday.
But I have a class on Sunday: the radio said classes would resume Monday. Did they mean I should NOT go to my Sunday class? There was no way to know: my college does NOT answer the office phones. I decided to go to class regardless. When I got there I was quite disappointed: I'd heard that the new site was across from some luxury condos and that there were shops going in on the ground floor of the condos. I had expected a coffee shop at the very least. NOTHING! NADA! The shops are closed up tight and not even finished. *sigh*
There was plenty of parking, it being a Sunday and ...nothing being open anyway. A group of people standing around the old TIMES building: milling about, wondering what to do. I looked and saw a gate leading to basement stairs. I put my hand on the gate and heard "Can I HELP you, ma'am?"
A portly security officer was walking across the street laden down with his daily snack allotment. I suppose in all of that food was his security guard stuff. Anyhow he led us down the stairs to a room with a desk. This guy ... is the team leader for the company. His glasses are a hundred years old and held together by tape. Also he has let his body go so far from the time he was a Master Sargent that it's hard to recognize the soldier within. But he's good at his job and I got his endorsement to go apply for yet another crappy job.
The pay is pretty low, of course, but they do take taxes out and I'd not have to smell like hamburgers anymore. My laundry budget would go down if I had uniforms to wear: you wear the same uniform twice, that's only two or three uniforms to wash as opposed to me having to change my clothes EVERY day working at the diner. I'd be able to throw away a LOT of clothes if I got this job and clean out my drawers from all the shirts, pants, socks etc I have to have to work at a crappy diner.
And, I would get paid overtime if I got any, and maybe paid holidays, I assume they follow the law.
I'm going to get ready and go down there in a bit.

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