Monday, September 12, 2011


So much has happened since I moved to Portland. I do not regret the move at all but I do regret that I took this job instead of going for Warner Pacific. This job is killing me. My back aches, my feet hurt, my mind is going insane. I have four nine hour days and a half day on Friday, and the job is extremely labor intensive and there really is no comfortable place to take a nice break from it. Lunch is hectic but at least there is a production meeting after lunch so I get a little over thirty minutes to sit down and rest and eat. My partner and I have been getting along so well and I just fall deeper in love with her, and with Portland. I just have to find a better, less hurtful job. I'm working way too hard for minimum wage, which is at least a dollar more here than Arizona but they take out way more taxes too. I'm not really making enough to live on and save money up so... I'll be on a strict budget for a while. Hard, because there is so much good food here. *sigh* I'm also in need of my benefits : I have a surgery consult set up for the 28th. I'm not at work today for a few reasons: yesterday I crashed after breakfast and stayed in bed all day, not sure what happened. It might be anything, and partly it might be mental because my adoptive father died this weekend. Just a few hours short of Sept. 11, so that day will mean more than the usual sadness now. Karen bought me tickets to see Devo next weekend. I'm pretty stoked about it and hope they are not lame now that they are older. I hope it's fun. I haven't really had a lot of fun lately, due to always being so tired and my back hurting like it does. I don't tell K about how severe the pain is but it is pretty bad. I have been fighting the urge to lay down in front of traffic, telilng myself to take it one day at a time, this job isn't forever.

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